Revolutionary Napoleon's Civil Code from 1804.


Revolutionary Napoleon's Civil Code from 1804.

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Napoleon's Civil Code

(fr. Code Napoléon, Code civil des Français) stanowi zespół przepisów oraz norm prawnych prawa cywilnego wprowadzony we Francji w 1804 przez słynnego Napoleona Bonaparte. Była to pierwsza tak duża kodyfikacja prawa francuskiego, po rewolucji francuskiej i upadku ancien regime'u.

The idea of ​​a new codification of civil law appeared in the first years of the French Revolution by rejecting all legal solutions of the absolutist era: feudal law, Roman law and French customary law. The new principles were to be formulated in accordance with the slogans on the freedom and equality of individuals, the code was to be a manual of practical morality.

It was a revolution that had a huge impact on legal thought in both the 19th and 20th centuries.

The Napoleonic Code perpetuated the revolutionary gains of the bourgeoisie, so its essence was the abolition of feudalism and the introduction of legal solutions typical of the capitalist system.

In France, the Napoleonic Code had three editions: the first in March 1804; the second in September 1807 - the words "Consul", "Rzeczpospolita" and "Nation" were replaced with the words "Emperor", "Empire" and "State", the regulations requiring the use of the revolutionary calendar were also changed. In the third edition, 1816, the words "Emperor" and "Empire" were changed to "King" and "Kingdom". As the victorious French troops advanced deeper into Europe, the Napoleonic Code was introduced in the conquered countries, both dependent and allied towards France. It became a characteristic element of the unification of Napoleonic Europe, unified its laws, made it similar and brought it closer to France.

In this way, the Napoleonic Code also reached Poland, where it was issued by Napoleon under Art. 69 of the Constitution created for the Duchy of Warsaw: "The Napoleonic Code will be the civil law of the Duchy of Warsaw".

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