Books in leather binding in Art Nouveau style decorate the library.
On the pages of our blog, we successively boast about beautifully bound books in leather bindings, made according to the rules of bookbinding and old craftsmanship. The leathery spines arranged in rows on the shelf always make an amazing impression on me. The entire wardrobe with such elegantly framed volumes with embossing and gilding enhances the aesthetic experience. When there are more wardrobes: the effect is even greater. Such a library undoubtedly makes its owners proud.
Apart from the visual aspect of the project, for every bibliophile, the most important thing is the content of these shelves, the content enchanted on the pages of the books. A bibliophile knows his library like his own pocket, and certain advantages make him more happy, sometimes due to the content, other times due to the perfectly designed and balanced setting that perfectly harmonizes with the content of the work.
Today we present just such small works of bookbinding art, in which every detail perfectly fits both the era of the book and its content. We took to the workshop a collection of two sayings by Stefan Żeromski, written not in the aesthetics of realism, but in the aesthetics of Young Poland's modernism, in tasteful poetic prose.
Both circa brochure with colorful anonymous compositions with ancient Egyptian motifs; the initials and ornaments of both pieces were made in a similar vein. The title of the first work deserves attention - the first sentence title in the third person in newer Polish literature.
I am talking about the book "Aryman takes his revenge" in the first edition [1904].
Hardcover full contemporary leather with an Art Nouveau style. Intricate gilding and intricate, hand-painted decorations on the faces and on the spine. A striking, overlapped end piece decorated in the same style.
All card cuts are gilded. The front brochure cover has been preserved.