Best of the best. Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum. A treasury of the writing achievements of the Polish brothers.


Best of the best. Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum. A treasury of the writing achievements of the Polish brothers.

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Best of the best.

Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum. A treasury of the writing achievements of the Polish brothers.


For a long time, we want to share with you on our blog the best works from an investment point of view, because the most rare Polish old prints or hardly available Polish monks, the first editions and first prints of Polish poets, i.e. Adam Mickiewicz, Juliusz Słowacki and Zygmunt Krasiński, as well as other literary classics Polish departments such as Henryk Sienkiewicz or Stefan Żeromski, exceptional, extraordinary departments. Finally, we are launching the "Best of the Best" section, that is creme de la creme, "The best of the best" not only from our offer, but also the best on the market. Extremely rare things, valuable and sought-after prints, real white crows.

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Today we present a beautiful old print in 6 volumes:

A treasury of the writing achievements of the Polish brothers
6 volumes

1. Joannis Crelli Franci: Opera omnia exegetica. Sive ejus in plerosque Novi Testamenti libros commentarii. In duos tomos distincti quorum catalogum cersa pagina exhibet. Additi sunt duo indices copiosissimi, quorum prior est rerum et verborum, phrasorumque Sacrae Scripturae memorabilium. Alter locorum Sacrae Scripturae in hoc opere explicatorum, vel cursim tantum illustratorum. Eleutheropoli 1656 Suptibus Irenici Philalethii, 4`, p. 16 nl., 621.54 nl. / index and erraty / i 327 commentarius, ed. cards. with ties and a plate on the back. Pages 210/212 supplemented by hand, no pages. 447/48, 453/454.

2. Joannis Crelli Franci: Ad librum Hugonis Grotii, quem de satisfactione Christi adversus Faustum Socinum Senesem scripsit... Irenpoli 1656, p. 8 pp., 234; 34; 416.8 pp. comp. cards. period, ties, very good condition. Of this edition Estr. not taking notes! Estr. Vol. 14, p. 447.

3. Slichtingium Jonam a Bucowiec: D.N. Jesu Christi Novum Testamentum dilucida et succincta explicatione illustratum, partim per Johannem Crellium Francum. partim per jonam... Partim per Ludovicum Woltzogenium. In qua quid quisque horum praestiterit, una cum Catalogo reliquorum Joannis Crellii et Ludovici Woltzogenii operum, simul adjectorum, Titulus singulis voluminibus praefixus et hunc sequens pagina, exhibet. Eleutheropoli Sumtibus Irenaei Philalethii 1656, 4`,p. 451. Tabl. copper. / in the oval / showing the author.

/-/ Wolzogenii Ludovici: Commentarius in Euangelium Marci. Irenopoli /Amsterdam?/ 1656, 4`, p. 453-518.

/-/ Wolzogenii Ludovici: Commentarius in Euangelium Lucae. Irenopoli /Amsterdam?/ 1656, 4`, p. 519-695.

/-/ Wolzogenii Ludovici: Commentarius in partem Euangelium Johannis. Irenopoli /Amsterdam?/ 1656, 4`, p. 697-1038.

/-/ Wolzogenii Ludovici Johannis: Commentarius in Acta Apostolorum et reliqua ejus scripta didactica et polemica comprehendens. Irenopoli /Amsterdam?/ 1656, 4`, p. 356.

/-/ Wolzogenii Ludovici: Compendium religionis Christianae. Irenopoli /Amsterdam?/ 1656, 4`, p. 89.

/-/ Wolzogenii Ludovici: Responsio ad Jonae Schlichtingii a Bucowietz annotationes in annotationes de bello, magistratu et privata defensioneIrenopoli /Amsterdam?/ 1656, 4`, p. 93-133, 8 nl.

/index/,  Estr. T. XIII str. 47. Estreicher notuje tylko część z tego wydania

4. Socyn Faust Senensis: Commentarius in epistolam Johannes Apostoli primam. Irenopoli 1656, p. 157-263.

/-/ De sacre scripturae autoritate. Libellus... Cui addita est Summa Religionis Christianae, ejusdem Socini. Utrumque ex Italico in Latinum conversum. Irenopoli 1656, p. 265-285.

/-/ Lectiones sacrae... Quibus auctoritas Sacrarum Literarum praesertim Novi Foederis asseritur. Opus imperfectum.. Irenpoli 1656, 4`, p. 287-322.

/-/ Tractatus de Ecclesia... Irenopoli 1656, 4`, p. 323-372.

/-/ Ad amicos epistolae. In quibus variae de rebus divinis quaestiones expediuntur, multaque Sacrarum Litterarum loca explanantur. Additae sunt paucae aliorum ad Socicinum Epistolae, ad quas ipse respondet. De novo accesserunt quaedam A. Dudithii Epistolae. Irenopoli 1656, 4`, p. 373-536.

/-/ Praelectiones theologicae... 1. Thess. 5. 19. Prophetias nolite spernere. Omnia probantes, (quod) bonum (est) tenete. Irenopoli 1656, 4`, p. 537-600.

/-/ Tractatus de Justificatione... Justus ex fide vivet Hebr. 10.38. Irenopoli 1656, 4`, p. 601-627.

/-/ Elenchi sophistici ... in gratiam amicorum explicati, et exemplis Theologicis illustrati. Explicatio duplex est: altera brevior, altera fusior: quam posteriorem auctor sine scripto amicis dictavit: verum nec absolvit, nec recognovitIrenopoli 1656, 4`, p. 629-707. / W tym "Quod Regni Poloniae et magni ducatus Lithuaniae homines.../.

/-/ De baptismo aquae disputatio.... Cui accesserunt Ejusdem Fausti Socini. I. Responsiones ad priores et posteriores notas Andreae Dudithii in Disputat de Baptismo. II. Responsio ad Martini Czechovicii Notas in Appendice libri ipsius de Paedo - Baptismo. Irenopoli 1656, 4`,pp. 709-814. / pp. 789-790 with a slight loss of text /. / + addition Dissertatio Super Hisce Operibus, s. 8 nl; Vita Authoris Conscripta ab Equite Polono, p. 8 nlb./

/-/ Concionis Christi, quae habetur capite quinto, sexto, et septimo apud Matthaeum Euangelistam, explicatio. Dictata a ... Opus ad finem non perductum. Irenopoli 1656, 4`, p. 4 nlb., 73.

/-/ Explicatio Primae partis primi capitis Euangelistae Johannis script... Irenopoli 1656, 4`, p. 75-113.

/-/ Defensio. Disputationis suae de loco septimi Capitis Epistolae ad Romanos, sub nomine Prosperi Dysidaei, ante 12 annos ab se editae. Adversus Reprehensiones N.N. Ministri (ut vocant) Euangelici nuper scrpitas et ab amico ad semissas. Anno a Christo nato 1595. Irenopoli 1656, 4`, p. 115-156.

5. Schlichtingium Jonam de Bukowiec: Commentaria posthuma, in plerosque Novi Testamenti libros. Cuncta hactenus inedita. In duos Tomos distincta. Quorum Catalogum versa pagina exhibet. Quibus additi sunt tres indices copiosissimi, quorum primus est locorum S. Scripturae, in hoc opere vel breviter vel prolixius explicatorum. Secundus est rerum memorabolium. Tertius Phrasium in hoc opere ex Vetere, praesertim vero ex Novo Testamento indicatarum.Irenopoli 1656, 4`, p. 14 nlb., 325 /p. 191/194 completed by handwriting/.

/-/ Tomus alter. Equitis Poloni Operum Exegeticorum Posthumorum. p. 427, nlb. 56, Estr. T. XIII p. 46. /6. 

6. Przipcovii Samuelis: Equitis Poloni et Consiliarii Electoris Brandenburgici Cogitationes Sacrae ad initum Euangelii Matthaei et omnes Epistolas Apostolicas. Nec non tractatus varii argumenti, praecipue de Jure Christiani Magistratus.

Quorum Catalogus post praefationem exhibetur. Eleutheropoli 1692, 4`, p. 14 nl., 880, 20 nl., Estr. T. XIII p. 47. 


Collection of the writings of the Polish Brothers. The series "Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum" is a monumental publication, which included the achievements of Polish Arians, which in 1674 was included in the index of forbidden books. The series had a significant impact on Western progressive thinkers, including John and Locke and Baruch Spinoza.

"POLISH BROTHERS, are also called Socinians, Arians, Christians or Unitarians (less often Rakowians - after the Raków Congress, or contemptuously divers - from the form of baptism). The first name seems to be the most correct, as it comes from themselves. Socynians were called after Faust Socin, as supporters of his views. They were named Aryans by Catholics and other Protestants as supporters of one of the first anti-trinitarians - Bishop Arius. It is the most radical and, at the same time, the most progressive faction among Protestants.

Undoubtedly, they made a very positive mark on Polish cultural and religious history. Polish Brethren distinguished themselves in the years 1562-1565 as the so-called a smaller church from the Evangelical Reformed (Calvinist) Church. The reason for this step was the increasing domination of rich nobility and magnates within the Calvinist Church (in 1560 plebeians were removed to influence the management of the church). In the past, their teachings spread mainly among the petty nobility in Podkarpacie, Kujawy, Podlasie, and especially in Lithuania. They were also exterminated by both Catholics and Calvinists. Their plight was additionally aggravated by the fact that there were also constant disputes in their womb. As a result, they were unable to gain wider recognition and a permanent place among Polish denominations (for example, they were not admitted to the Toruń Agreement of 1645). The first, most difficult period of forming the views of the Polish Brethren ended with the arrival of Faust Socyn to Poland, which contributed to the unification of their teaching. So far, it has been "experimented" both dogmatically, socially and philosophically. The unified movement of the Polish Brethren was henceforth more often called (Polish) socialism or unitarianism (the most important source of faith was to remain the Holy Scriptures, which, however, are framed by reason, the deity of Jesus was finally rejected). Socynianism largely contributed to the rationalization of religion and to the final crystallization of deism (especially Crell). As L. Szczucki, a great expert on the achievements of the Polish Brothers, wrote, "the leading trait of the Socynian doctrine is the minimization of the doctrine (...), its humanization." They are close to me due to a certain thread of skepticism that characterizes their religion. As the Encyclopedia PWN 2000 informs about the Polish Brothers: "they played an outstanding role in theological disputes of the 16th-17th centuries, the development of education, as well as Polish science and literature". in Pińczów, Lubartów, Lublin and in Raków (Akademia Rakowska, attended also by children from Catholic networks, due to the high level of education and complete tolerance for other faiths). The achievements in the field of literature include numerous translations of the Bible, catechisms, religious poems and songs, and theological and polemical works. Piotr Statorius-Stojeński, who created the first Polish grammar, and Jan Mączyński, author of an excellent Latin-Polish dictionary, shone in the scientific field.

Rare works, especially due to the fact that the books were included in the Index of Forbidden Books in 1674.
For example, the works of Jan Crell were publicly burned at the stake!

VERY GOOD CONDITION / not counting a few of the above shortcomings / EFFECTIVE SET!

This copy is no longer available.



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